Gerald Gradwohl Group
Gerald Gradwohl Group (GGG)
Current line up:
Gerald Gradwohl g
Juraj Griglak bs
Thomas Kugi sax
Harald Tanschek dr
When looking for terms and names to describe the band, the attempt will leave you with a wide spectrum between jazz and fusion music focussing on groovy funk with a strong „Rock’N Roll Attitude“ mixed with Jazz harmony to fierce discharging jazz rock storms.
Having the support and backing of the great rhythm section has really made this venture for Gradwohl into tribal funk fusion a viable effort of world class caliber. GG pulls all the stops of his musical skills. “As much composition as necessary and as much improvisation as possible” seems to be the dogma and the point of view of fusion-music of today for this worldwide known and acknowledged composer and performer, living in Wr. Neustadt, Austria.
Out of the tiniest motives, Gradwohl manages to develop breathtaking solos based on steaming grooves or balladesque sound collages. Some kind of somnambulistic playing with the guys in the band let creative things happen. The great variety in composition and playing will not only fascinate Jazz and Fusion lovers – watch out for exciting live gigs!
The album „ABQ“ (2003) feat. Bob Berg, Gary Willis and Kirk Covington was a big step in Geralds international career. Several albums and live tours have been the result of his continuous work.
2007 „Tritone Barrier“ is released. On this album Scott Henderson contributes a guest solo on the track „Jeff’s Back“.
This album is followed by „Sally Beth Roe“ in 2009 which he recorded with his Trio – this is a real guitar trio record!
In 2013 Gerald releases „Big Land“ feat. Tribal Tech drummer Kirk Covington on drums.
RAW (2016) is a critically acclaimed masterpiece of Jazz and Rock music and is the first release with his current line up.
The band is touring regularly and released the new album „Episode 6“ in April 2021 which became Jazzalbum of the Month in “Gitarre und Bass“ 5/21!
Currently the great Slovakian bass player Juraj Griglak joined the band! check out Juraj’s website!